
Q&A: How to Measure Podcast ROI

How should your company think about your podcast’s ROI? If you don’t get thousands of listens, customers, or purchases from it, does it still “pay off”?



How should your company think about your podcast’s ROI? If you don’t get thousands of listens, customers, or purchases from it, does it still “pay off”? Learn the different ways to measure ROI, how to make your podcast profitable right away, and the importance of understanding brand vs direct marketing.


The importance of understanding brand vs direct marketing.

This is so important to us, we wrote a separate article about it. In the episode, we try to break down the difference between brand marketing, which is primarily intended to increase awareness and trust, from direct marketing, which is mainly focused on driving a certain measurable result.

If you don’t understand the difference between these two, and which camp podcasting falls into (hint, it’s a bit of both), you may be frustrated with the process.

The ROI of your podcast is more than customers and purchases.

Lots of companies think about a podcast’s ROI like this:

  • You launch a show
  • It needs to get thousands of listens
  • Which lead to purchases or leads
  • Or it’s not worth it

The best brands in the world don’t think that way, and we’ll talk about why you shouldn’t either.

Besides that, there are ways to make your podcast pay for itself right away - without thousands of downloads.

Talk to future customers, on podcasts they love.