Reach future customers on shows they already listen to.

Need a podcast booking agency? We’ll get you podcast guest appearances to grow your audience, build trust in your brand, and gain you new customers.

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"Working with Lemonpie has unlocked a completely new marketing channel for FreshBooks. We're seeing first hand how a thoughtful approach to podcasting has bolstered our marketing strategy, and helps us reach new audiences that we would have never considered."
Paul Cowan
CMO, FreshBooks

Get guaranteed bookings on shows your audience loves.

Podcast listeners are one of the most engaged audiences online today. The best part? Your audience is already listening to shows they trust, every single day.

Our podcast tour program will get you guaranteed bookings on shows your ideal audience is listening to. From there, you can share your story, expertise, and provide them value. When you do, you’ll build trust in your brand, raise awareness of your company, and gain new customers.

Ads are great. Stories are better.

As a podcast guest, you get a chance to do something special: tell your story. Things like why you started making running shoes in the first place, or the pains your SaaS product solves for other businesses.

Listeners feel like they know your company. They remember you. They search you out. It sets you apart from competitors, and builds trust in your brand like nothing else.

Amplify your reach, fast.

Launching your own podcast is powerful, but it takes time. If you’re looking to use the power of podcasting as quickly as possible, podcast tours are for you. And even if you already have your own show, podcast tours will get you more listeners, because you can tell them about it.

The best, not the cheapest.

Sometimes companies ask why we cost more than other podcast booking agencies. For one thing, our outreach is so good that podcasters email us and tell us.

Which means we won't hurt your brand by being annoying or spammy. Podcasters are flooded every day with guest requests, and it takes quality to stand out.

That's what we deliver. With us, you're paying for guaranteed bookings - not the # of templated cold emails sent.

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100% full service.

We offer every service you'll need to get your founder or team in front of future customers.
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